Psalm 42
As the deer pants for streams of water,
so our souls long for you, O God.
Our souls are thirsty for You, we are thirsty for the living God.
When shall we come into your Presence and see your face?
Our tears have been our portion night and day and many have asked, Where is your God now?
Why are our hearts so heavy, O Lord? Why this unrest within us?
Our souls are quite burdened, the load is hard to bear;
Therefore now we will remember Your work in our midst.
We remember your help in this place.
We remember the waves of your Presence rushing over us.
Lord, you have given your loving-kindness in the daytime,
And in the night-time we did sing of you. We now make our prayers to you,
O God, the Lord of our lives.
At times we wonder, ‘Have you forgotten us? Why are our adversaries so heavy upon us?’
Our bones are being broken, we are oppressed and scorned. We are asked again, Where is your God now?
Even though our hearts are still heavy, O Lord,
Even with our souls’ unrest.
O God, We will put our trust in you.
We will give thanks to the One who is our Help and Presence,
Our Light and our Life. Amen.