It is great to be back from our mission trip to
One of the traditions at Carpenters is that after each meal during the trip someone shares a devotional thought. On Saturday a week ago, I was asked to and would like to share with you some of what was said.
This week is my sixth Carpenters for Christ trip and that is hard for me to believe. Each trip has been a unique blessing in my life. Throughout the years I’ve enjoyed the devotions that different ones of you have shared and as I reflect on these and as I’ve listened to you and as I’ve shared myself, I am struck by how similar our stories really are. We’ve shared stories of joy and of pain; we’ve shared of loneliness, brokenness, and family challenges. One thing we’ve also all shared is this – testimonies of God’s faithfulness.
The Scripture I want to share with you this morning is found in the third chapter of Revelation. It is Jesus’ word to one of the churches, a church that had not really made a decision for Christ. This church was neither hot nor cold.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Notice this invitation from the Lord – I want to come in to sup with you. Jesus does not want to linger on the stoop; he doesn’t want to sit in the foyer. He wants to be at the table, at the heart of the home.
Once some friends of Michelle’s invited us to supper. When we arrived they weren’t ready, so they invited us into the kitchen and involved us in the preparation. Dawn said, You do the salad. And, Ande, can you put together the casserole?
As we worked together in the kitchen and as we eventually shared that meal together we had a great time. On the way back home I said, I didn’t really know them before, but now I really feel like I know their family. This is what sharing a meal can do.
And Jesus’ invitation to us is this: I stand at the door and knock. Can I please come in and sup with you?
Gardner Taylor has shared about this picture, The Light of the World – By Holman Hunt.
Hunt presented it to one of the colleges at
What is it?
The door at which Jesus stands has no knob on it.
Holman replied to his friend, There is no mistake. That door must be opened from the inside.
And Jesus says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Today will be filled with invitations from Christ. Will you open the door.
If you have comments, please write to me: ande.myers@gmail.com.