Here are some of the verses from the New King James translation of the Bible:
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens! …When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?
When have you last taken the time to ‘consider’ the Lord and his excellence? Our lives can be so busy; we run to a fro from this to that. And reflection takes time, as does ‘consideration.’ They take planning and commitment. They take prioritizing and effort.
One has said, If you have but three minutes to give to Bible reading in the morning, give one minute to reading and two to thinking about what you’ve read. These are wise words, indeed.
A few weeks ago my parents went to
Atlantis reminds us that we’ll go to great lengths to observe the heavens, which brings me back to the psalmist. His wonder, his attention, his focus, his gaze went from the night sky to the Creator of it all.
And there, to the praise of the Lord God, did he return:
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!
In the days to come will you focus your gaze on God’s wonderful creation? Take the time to notice the smile of a loved one or the face of your child or the beauty of nature or by a gaze into the night sky (in short, simply pay attention to God's wonderful Creation). My hope is that this focus will cause a praise to God on High to well up inside of you to the point of overflowing.
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